Weezer, 10-7-08

One of our favorite bands, Weezer, released a new album and came to SLC on tour. Well of course Ray and I wanted to go. I have to admit that I have been to more concerts in the past two years with Ray, than I have in my whole life. I wonder if Ray has an addiction to being a concert goer that I was unaware of . . . Anyway, courtesy of Rock Band, Logan developed a liking to Weezer too, so we made it a family affair and we all went to the concert. Logan was a little overwhelmed, but he totally loved being able to shout and be noisy without getting into trouble. He thought it was super cool when they played a song he new, but he is only 5 and, as my good friend Cami said, boys know their bedtimes. He asked me to sit down with him and the next thing I knew, he was curled up on my lap and fast asleep! So maybe he was a little too young for that scene, but it was a great concert and I think he enjoyed being included :)

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